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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

Adolfo González, SLHC 2018

Adolfo Gonzalez celebrates at commencement ceremony 2018 with diploma in hand

After my graduation from CSUMB, I started work as a Spanish and English instructor with FIELD in Greenfield, CA. FIELD is a program that focuses on adult farmworker students who pursue an education and obtain their GED, equivalent to High School Diploma. Thanks to the Spanish degree, the knowledge and skills acquired in the School of Word Languages and Cultures at CSUMB, I obtained a better job and improve my living condition for me and my family.

A few months later, I left my job for my mother's health matters and now I currently work as a private tutor with adult students from my community. I can proudly say that thanks to the School of World Languages and Cultures of CSUMB, I have the necessary tools to perform in many areas of work related to Spanish.

One of the challenges I faced was my age and lack of English proficiency, but thanks to the CSUMB professors, I was able to overcome it successfully. All the classes and professors positively influenced my career, but the class I enjoyed the most was “Writing and Composition” taught by Dr. Oliva. Thanks to this class, I have finished writing my autobiography that hopefully will go to press in 2022.

I strongly recommend the School of World Languages and Cultures at CSUMB! With the guidance of experienced professors, students will obtain the ability to communicate with Spanish speakers and learn a lot about Hispanic cultures. Not only that, students will get the knowledge and priceless tools to work in the global market of the 21st century, especially in the Spanish language area.

More about Adolfo

Adolfo González continues to be a role model after his graduation. His story was picked up by localnational and international press, and he was celebrated by the Monterey County Supervisors through the proclamation of Adolfo González Day. His story was also the center of a podcast from the UCLA Labor Center which we shared on Twitter in 2019.