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Women's Leadership Council

WLC scholarships

CSUMB Re-entry students, those who return to school after a period of at least several years, often juggle financial challenges, family responsibilities, and work obligations in addition to educational demands. To fulfill their academic, career, and personal goals, re-entry students enroll in CSUMB's undergraduate, graduate and credential programs.

To support CSUMB re-entry students, become a member.

2021-2022 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to our scholarship recipients! For this academic year, we distributed 27 scholarships of $2,500 each and will distribute 20 emergency awards of $500 each. Here are several testimonials from our 2021-2022 scholarship recipients:

Testimonials and Recipients

"At thirty-seven, I decided it was time to fulfill my dream of becoming an educator. Unfortunately, the weekend before classes started, I was in a life-altering accident, ultimately losing my right leg. Yet, with determination, I began classes the following semester while relearning to walk and taking care of my two elementary-aged sons. I have learned to balance and juggle all obstacles along the way, including COVID-19. Starting at Monterey Peninsula College then transferring to CSUMB, I have managed to excel in my classes and participate in college and community committees. Achieving the Women’s Leadership Council Scholarship allows me to show up not only for my college success but also for my two sons. I am forever grateful for this opportunity. I believe everything I have gone through and the support I have received will inspire others to reach for the stars."

- Ashlee Cardenas

Lisa Davenport

Jennifer Berberian