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Academic Affairs


WSCUC Special Visit 2023

In accordance with CSUMB's last re-accreditation in 2019, our campus will host a visiting team from WSCUC for a special visit in Fall 2023.  As CSUMB was re-accredited for ten years, this special visit is an opportunity for the campus to share the progress we have made related to three specific areas before our next accreditation cycle in 2029.  The three areas of interest to WSCUC include:

  1. The process and progress for recruitment, hiring, and inclusion of more faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds.
  2. Progress in integrating resource allocation, enrollment management, new revenue streams, and achieving economies of scale into the new strategic planning process.
  3. Improvement in academic advising.

The 2023 Special Visit Report to WSCUC is available here for download.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the Special Visit Report, please email: