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Office of Inclusive Excellence

CSUMB Statements Regarding the Black Lives Matter Movement

The following statements are from leaders and members of the campus community that were published after the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020.

President Ochoa

President of CSUMB Eduardo Ochoa promises to redouble our efforts and take concrete steps to ensuring we uphold the values in our Founding Vision Statement and that we eradicate our conscious and unconscious biases.


Athletics Director Kirby Garry has listened to CSUMB athletes, and their discussions have led to the creation of the MB United Committee, which will address matters of racism, prejudice, diversity and inclusion.

Associated Students

Associated Students is dedicated to utilizing its platform to address the recent critical challenges, injustices and inequities affecting those at CSUMB and within its surrounding communities.

College of Business

Dean Shyam Kamath reflects on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s inspiring words and hopes that we may work together to restore justice, peace and sanity in our fractured and battered world.

Office of Inclusive Excellence

Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence Brian Corpening explains what programs and resources the Office of Inclusive Excellence will offer on issues related to systemic racism.

September 9, 2020: A Day of Racial Justice

June 5, 2020: A Community Conversation

Police Department

CSUMB Police Chief Earl Lawson pledges to implement policies to ensure accountability, equity and justice.

Department of Psychology

Shannon Snapp, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, provides resources on antiracism and what one can do to get started addressing systemic and individual racism in the community and in the world.