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Office of Inclusive Excellence

Campus Resources

Campus Resources

2021 Affinity Graduation Celebrations

Affinity Graduation Celebrations honor the accomplishments and experiences of CSUMB graduates from historically underrepresented communities. There are eight CSUMB Affinity Graduation Celebrations for graduating students: Asian, Pacific Islander (API) Grad; Black Grad; Chicanx/Latinx Grad; Native American Grad; Students with Disabilities Grad; Rainbow (LGBTQ+) Grad; Undoc-U (Undocumented) Grad; and Veteran Student Grad.

In spring 2021, Affinity Graduations Celebrations will be virtual. These celebrations will offer a keynote as well as a personalized slide for each graduating student, which can include the graduate's name, major, a photo, personal message, designation of first-generation status, and any honors. This slide will be vocalized by a professional reader and can be downloaded and shared on social media platforms.

To learn more, visit the webpage or send an email.