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Faculty and Staff

We encourage faculty and staff to pursue gifts and grants from private corporations and foundations to support their academic and community initiatives. When considering external funding, please contact Corporate and Foundation Relations early in the grant process and learn how we can help with opportunities from private corporations and foundations. We will provide assistance with request for proposals, proposal development, letters of inquiry, support with applications and gathering necessary documentation. Together we can maximize external support for the university.

Policies and Procedure

Grants and contracts policies are administered by the University Corporation at Monterey Bay at the link below:


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GrantForward allows you to do more than just search for grants. With a researcher profile, you can receive grant recommendations related to your field and research interests.

GrantForward uses your research interests, publications, and other profile information to recommend the best-fitting grant opportunities to you. With GrantForward's recommendation service, your funding search will be simplified to be as easy as possible.

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