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Institutional Assessment and Research

Common Data Set

As noted by the College Board, the Common Data Set (CDS) project is a collaboration among data providers in the higher education sector and publishers such as the College Board, Peterson's, U.S. News & World Report, and Wintergreen/Orchard House. The overall objective of the CDS initiative is two-fold: to improve the quality and accuracy of data provided to organizations involved in students' transition into colleges and universities, and to reduce the reporting burden on institutions that provide the data. The CDS contains clearly defined data that range from admissions, enrollment, retention, classes, activities, policies, to costs for each participating institution.

Data elements and definitions used by the U.S. Department of Education in its higher education surveys serve as a guide in the continued development of the CDS. Furthermore, CDS data elements undergo broad review by the CDS Advisory Board and data providers representing secondary schools and two- and four-year colleges. During its annual review process, feedback from organizations that utilize the CDS are taken into consideration.

Questions or comments about the CDS may be sent to the College Board.

CSUMB CDS responses are depicted in red font throughout the CDS pages. To ease navigation, click on the "Bookmark" tab on the top left to access the Table of Contents. Please send an email for questions regarding CSUMB's CDS elements.

Cost of Attendance Updates

Due to the state budget cycle and other dependencies, the cost of attendance may change after the publication of the CDS. Consult the following websites for updated information:

Common Data Set (CDS) Reports

Prior to 2016-2017, CDS excluded self-support programs. From 2016-2017, self-support degree programs are included along with state-support enrollments.

Note: The most-recent CDS reports are fully accessible. For accessible versions of other CDS reports, please contact us.