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Parking and Transportation

Parking Services

Traffic and Parking Regulations

The authority to establish and enforce vehicle traffic,pedestrian traffic, and parking regulations is granted to California State University Monterey Bay under the provisions set forth in Section 21113 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and Sections 42200 and 42201 of Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. Such regulations are enforceable on all property under the control and jurisdiction of California State University Monterey Bay including campus housing areas.

Unless otherwise provided herein, all provisions of the California Vehicle Codeare adopted as University policy. A reference copy of the California Vehicle Code is available at the University Police Department. Traffic regulations of the University and the State of California will be enforced at all times.


(a) No person shall drive any vehicle or animal, nor shall any person stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle or animal, whether attended or unattended, upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or the grounds of any . . . state university . . .except with the permission of, and upon and subject to any condition or regulation which may be imposed by the . . . governing board or officer of the. . . state university . . ..

(b) Every governing board . . . or officer shall erect or place appropriate signs giving notice of any special conditions or regulations that are imposed under this section and every board . . . or officer shall also prepare and keep available at the principal administrative office of the board . . . or officer, for examination by all interested persons, a written statement of all those special conditions and regulations adopted under this section.

(c) When any governing board . . . or officer permits public traffic upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or grounds under their control then, except for those conditions imposed or regulations enacted by the governing board . . . or officer applicable to the traffic, all provisions of this code relating to traffic upon the highways shall be applicable to the traffic upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or grounds.

(d) [omitted]

(e) [omitted]

(f) A public agency, including, but not limited to, . . . the Trustees of the California State University, may adopt rules or regulations to restrict, or specify the conditions for, the use of bicycles, motorized bicycles,skateboards, and roller skates on public property under the jurisdiction of that agency.

(g) [omitted]

Article 1: General traffic regulations


Section 1000--Traffic Signs/Signals

It is unlawful to disobey any sign, signal, or other traffic control devices erected or maintained to indicate and to carry out the provisions of the Traffic and Parking Regulations of California State University Monterey Bay and/or the State of California Vehicle Code.

Section 1001--Traffic Control Devices

Traffic control devices, such as barriers, barricades, fences, posts, or traffic cones, may be placed to direct, control, or restrict pedestrian and vehicle traffic as deemed necessary. The moving or removal of such traffic control devices, except for emergency purposes, is forbidden without the permission of the University Police Department.

Section 1002--Speed Limits

The speed limit is 25mph on University roads and 10 mph in University parking lots, unless otherwise posted.


Section 1003--Off Pavement Driving

No vehicle shall be driven on any sidewalk, pathway, or walkway designed for pedestrian use; or any unpaved area including lawns, landscaped areas, and trails unless prior authorization is received from the University Police Department. Emergency vehicles and designated maintenance vehicles are exempted.

Section 1004-Improper Use of Non-Motorized Transportation

The operation of all forms of non-motorized transportation on university property is regulated by the provisions of Article 4. Violations of Article 4 are citable infractions under this section.


Section 1005--Pedestrian Rights

Pedestrians have the right-of-way over vehicles when crossing roadways within marked crosswalks or within any unmarked crosswalk at roadway intersections.

Section 1006--Driver Responsibility

The driver of any vehicle must exercise due caution for the safety of all pedestrians.

Article 2: Parking regulations


Section 1100--Parking Enforcement

Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes holidays, weekends, and other periods when classes are not in session. Specific exceptions to this rule may be made by the President or his designee.


Section 1101--Parking Permit Required

Motor vehicles (including cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, motor scooters, and motorized bicycles) parked in designated parking lots must display a current University parking permit. All permits in four-wheel vehicles such as cars, trucks, and vans mustbe clearly visible from outside the vehicle. Motorcycle permits must be in plain view.

Section 1102--Parking Permit Transferability

University parking permits may not be transferred or sold by the owner.

Section 1103--Parking Permits and Parking Spaces

The responsibility for securing a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. The absence of any unoccupied legal parking spaces within any particular parking area is not just or legal cause for willful violation of these regulations. Purchase or possession of a valid parking permit in no way implies a promise or guarantee of a specific parking space within any lot or other University designated parking area.

Section 1104--Lost, Stolen, Forged, or Altered Permits

It is unlawful to possess or display a lost, stolen, forged, or altered parking permit. All such permits are subject to confiscation by the University Police Department, Parking Services office.


Section 1105--Lodging in Vehicles

Sleeping, living, or lodging in any recreational vehicle, car, truck, van, bus, or trailer on University grounds is prohibited (CVC Section 22651 (n)) unless prior authorization is received from the University Police Department, Parking Services office.

Section 1106--Parking Outside of Marked Stalls

Each vehicle parked in a University parking lot or residential parking area shall be parked within the limits of a marked parking stall. Each vehicle must park facing into theparking stall. Only one vehicle shall park in each parking stall.

Section 1107--Parking in Aisles

Stopping, standing,or parking a vehicle (with or without the engine running or a person in the vehicle) in an aisle of any University parking lot is prohibited.

Section 1108--Street Parking

Street parking is prohibited except where specifically authorized by posted signs. Motor vehicles parked on the street must display a current University parking permit, except in the Schoonover Park and Frederick Park housing areas.

Section 1109--Tow Away Zones

Illegally parked vehicles may be towed when such areas are posted with signs giving notice of removal for illegal parking (CVC 22651 (n)).

Section 1110--Off Pavement Parking

No vehicle shall be parked on any sidewalk, pathway, or walkway designed for pedestrian use; or any unpaved area including lawns, landscaped areas, and trails unless prior authorization is received from the University Police Department, Parking Services office. Emergency vehicles and designated maintenance vehicles are exempted.

Section 1111--Painted Curbs

Painted curbs indicate restricted parking. The color of the painted curb denotes the type ofparking restriction (CVC Section 21458):

RED CURB indicates no stopping, standing or parking, whether the vehicle is occupied or unattended.

GREEN CURB denotes a parking time limit of 15 or 30 minutes as indicated by signs or markings.

YELLOW CURB denotes an area for loading or unloading of freight or passengers with a 15 minute time limit.

WHITE CURB denotes passenger loading or unloading. A driver must remain with the vehicle.

BLUE CURB denotes handicapped/disabled parking only.

A white curb without any additional marking or signs does not designate restricted parking.

Section 1112--Parking Prohibited

No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, attended or unattended, except to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with directions of a police officer or official traffic control device, in any of the following places:

a. Within an intersection

b. On a crosswalk

c. In front of a driveway

d. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, parking, or standing would obstruct traffic

e. On a sidewalk

f. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped, parked, or left standing at the curb or edge of a street

g. In front of a wheelchair ramp

h. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant (unattended vehicles only)

i. Parallel parked more than 18 inches from the right hand curb (left hand curb parking prohibited except on one-way streets)

j. In violation of posted parking regulatory signs

k. In any area in which access has been restricted by the placement of trafficcontrol devices

l. On any street in a such a manner as to obstruct the safe flow of vehicular traffic

m. In a metered parking stall without paying the meter, except as provided in22511.5(a)(2) CVC


Section 1113--Prohibited Vehicles

Parking of any vehicle included in the definition of a "commercial motor vehicle" in CVC Section 15210(b) or specified in CVC Section 34500 is prohibited on University grounds without permission from the University Police Department, Parking Services office.

Section 1114--Recreational Vehicles

Parking of recreational vehicles, including motor homes, campers, house trailers, boats, and boat trailers, is limited to designated recreational vehicle storage areas. Exemptions for short-term parking may be granted by the University Police Department, Parking Services office.

Section 1115--Disabled Vehicles

All disabled vehicles must be reported to the University Police Department. The driver shall stand bythe vehicle until an officer arrives to determine if the vehicle will create atraffic hazard. If it is considered a traffic hazard, the driver should arrange to have the vehicle removed immediately or it is subject to being towed (CVCSection 22651 (b)).

Section 1116--Abandoned Vehicles

Leaving a vehicle unattended which has not been moved for a period exceeding 72 hours is prohibited and the vehicle may be removed at the owner's expense (CVC Section22651 (k)).

Article 3: Bicycle regulations


Section 1200--Bicyclist Rights and Responsibilities

Every person riding a bicycle on University grounds has all the rights and is subject to all the duties of a driver of a motor vehicle. CVC Sections 21200 through 21210 are incorporated within theTraffic and Parking Regulations and, therefore, are applicable on University grounds.

Section 1201--Bicycle Licensing

No bicycle shall be operated on University grounds unless the bicycle is licensed in accordance with Division 16.7 of the California Vehicle Code (Sections 39000 to 39012).

Section 1202--Bicycles Restricted

Bicycles are not permitted to be ridden inside any University building with the exception of garages in the Schoonover Park and Frederick Park housing areas. Bicycle riding is prohibited inside the campus quad area and on any landscaped or lawn areas. University Police Department bicycles are exempted.


Section 1203-- Bicycle Parking, Where Permitted

Bicycles shall be parked, stored, or left on the University only in areas specifically designated by the presence of racks or other devices designed for bicycle parking.

Section 1204--Red Zone

No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left on any street, highway, roadway, alley, bicycle path,or parking area in an area adjacent to a curb or cement block or wheel stop that is painted red.

Section 1205--Parking Prohibited on Lawns or Other Landscape Areas

No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left on any lawn or landscaped areas except in those areas designated as a bicycle parking area by the presence of racks or other parking devices. Bicycles parked in designated parking zones may not extend into landscape areas.

Section 1206--Locking to Unauthorized Objects

No bicycle shall be chained or otherwise locked or attached to any handrail, tree, shrubbery, door, sign post, lamp,telephone pole, lamp post, fence, or other object not maintained or designated for the purpose of securing bicycles.

Section 1207--Parking or Storing Inside Buildings Prohibited

(a) No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left in any lobby, hallway, or room of any building unless the area is specifically designated for bicycle parking. Designated areas must be in accordance with all federal, state, and local fire and safety regulations.

(b) Use of any assigned area for bicycle parking or storage may be restricted when movement of the bicycle or use of the assigned space for bicycle parking or storage interferes with routine activities conducted in the area or creates other problems.

Section 1208--Unauthorized Storage Prohibited

No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left at any residence hall bicycle parking area between the end of spring semester and the beginning of the fall semester unless the owner is a summer resident or employee of a residence hall.


Section 1209--Blocking Entrances-Exits Prohibited

(a) No person shall park, store, or leave a bicycle in such a manner as to block or otherwise impede normal entrance to or exit from any building on the University.

(b) No bicycle shall be parked, stored or left within six feet of an entranceor exit unless in a bicycle rack or parking device provided within thatdistance.

(c) No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left on any building access or egress ramp.

Section 1210--Blocking Traffic Prohibited

No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left so as to block or impede the normal flow of traffic on any highway, roadway, street, alley, sidewalk, patio, parking area, or bicycle path on the University.

Section 1211--Blocking Ramps and Stairways Prohibited

No bicycle shall be parked, stored, or left so as to interfere with or impede the normal movement of disabled persons, pedestrians, or bicyclists upon ramps stairways or curb cuts.


Section 1212--Authority to Remove or Impound Bicycles

The University Police Department is authorized to move, relocate, immobilize, or impound any bicycle which:

(a) Is parked in violation of any of the sections of this article;

(b) Appears to be abandoned as evidenced by signs of disuse or neglect;

(c) Is left unlocked or otherwise inadequately secured so as to be at risk of theft or vandalism.

Section 1213-Removal of Bicycles, Bicycle Parts, and Locking Devices

(a) REMOVAL OF BICYCLES IN VIOLATION: Whenever a bicycle satisfies the requirements of section1212 of this article, any Human Resources authorized to impound bicycles may remove the securing mechanism using whatever reasonable measures are necessary to impound the bicycle. Employees so authorized to remove and impound the bicycle in this manner and the University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device or the owner of the bicycle for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device.

(b) REMOVAL OR ALTERATION OF OBSTRUCTING BIKE PART: Whenever a bicycle satisfies the requirements of section 1212 of this article, any Human Resources authorized to enforce bicycle parking may use whatever reasonable measures necessary to move, alter, or remove any part or component of the bicycle which may interfere or impede the normal movement of bicycles or persons with disabilities or other pedestrians. Employees so authorized to alter a bicycle in this manner and the University shall not be liable to the owner for the cost of repair or replacement of such parts or components.

(c) REMOVAL OF LOCKS OR LOCKING DEVICES: Locks or locking devices left on parking racks or parking devices not securing a bicycle, or left attached to any handrail, tree, shrubbery, door, sign post, lamp or lamp post, telephone pole, fence, or other objects may be removed by authorized Human Resources. Employees so authorized and the University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device.

Section 1214-Bicycle Impound Fee

a) Any bicycle impounded pursuant to any section of this article shall be stored in a secure facility designated for such purpose. A fee may be charged to the owner priorto the release of any impounded bicycle. If the bicycle has been stored by theUniversity Police Department for more than fifteen (15) calendar days, anadditional fee may be charged.

(b) Any bicycle being released must be properly licensed in the State of California prior to the release.

(c) Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be retained to support programs related to bicycle safety, bicycle facilities improvement, the security of bicycles, or the enforcement of those laws and regulations relating to bicycles or reasonably related matters.

Section 1215-Disposal of Impounded Bicycles

Any impounded bicycle not claimed within ninety (90) days by the owner will be disposed of by the University in a lawful manner.

Article 4: Non-motorized transportation regulations


Section 1300-Definition of Non-Motorized Transportation

Non-motorized transportation (NMT) refers to any transportation device other than a bicycle which is human powered. NMT devices include, but are not limited to, skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, and scooters. Motorized skateboards and scooters and any other device powered by an electric or gas-powered engine do not qualify as NMT.

Section 1301-NMT Licensing and Registration

NMTs are not vehicles and do not require any type of license or registration.

Section 1302-Pedestrians

Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times. NMT operators are not pedestrians unless they are carrying their NMT.

Section 1303-Hours of Operation

NMT may not be operated on West (main) Campus between the hours of 10:00pm and 7:00am Monday through Friday. NMT may not be operated in the West Campus Main Quad betweenthe hours of 12:00pm and 2:00pm Monday through Friday. No hour restrictionswill be enforced on West Campus on weekends or university-observed holidays.

NMT may not be operated in the East Campus housing areas between the hours of10:00pm and 7:00am Monday through Friday. No hour restrictions will be enforced in the East Campus housing areas on weekends or university-observed holidays.


Section 1304-Paved Surfaces

NMT may only be operated on specified paved surfaces: campus sidewalks, walkways, and paved paths. NMT may not be operated in crosswalks or other pedestrian crossing areas, parking lots, or streets.

Section 1305-Prohibited Outdoor Areas

NMT operation is prohibited in the following outdoor areas: all steps, stairways, disabled person access ramps, benches, railings, walls, railings, seating areas, eating areas, and streets and other roadways.

Section 1306-Campus Buildings

NMT may not be operated in or into any campus building or facility, including residence halls and apartments. NMT may be carried into campus buildings and facilities as long as they do not constitute a safety hazard.


Section 1307-Carrying NMT

Walking with or carrying NMT is permitted throughout campus.

Section 1308-Reckless Riding

Operating NMT in a reckless manner is prohibited. Reckless is defined as unsafe or disruptive.Reckless riding includes but is not limited to stunt or trick riding, riding at an excessive speed, and riding in a manner which endangers the safety or property of others.

Section 1309-Speed

The maximum speed limit on campus for all NMT is 10 miles per hour. Speeds below 10 miles per hour maybe deemed unsafe due to the conditions (high traffic , low visibility, poor lighting, defective or inferior equipment)

Section 1310-Alcohol and Drugs

NMT shall not be operated by anyone under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug.

Section 1311-Headphones

NMT shall not be operated while the rider is wearing headphones or earphones of any type.

Section 1312-Towing

NMT shall not be towed in any manner by any person or vehicle.


Section 1313-Enforcement

The University Police Department is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Article. Violations may be enforced through verbal warnings or citations. In addition, student violators may be referred to Student Conduct for possible disciplinary action.

Section 1314-Accident Reporting

An operator of NMT must promptly report any accident or collision involving NMT on university property to the University Police Department when one or both of the following conditions are met:

a) someone is injured or complains of injury

b) any personal or university property is damaged.