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University President

Strategic Initiatives

Mental Health and Wellness Working Group

Formed February 15, 2023

  • Lisa Leininger, KIN/CHSHS (Co-Chair)
    Jessica Lopez, Personal Growth and Counseling Center (Co-Chair)
    Travis Adelman, PA-C MSPA
    Sharon Anderson, Academic Advising
    Nevan Bell, Student Representative
    Danielle Burchett (PSYCH/CAHSS)
    Alyssa Erickson, Nursing/CHSHS
    Sarah Lasnik, Associate Director of Student Housing and Residential Life
    Rudy Medina, OC3 Director
    Lauren Reagan, Cooperative Learning Center


We invite you to join the Mental Health and Wellness Working Group which is comprised of faculty, staff and administrators from various areas of the University who are positioned to review areas of concern for student mental health and wellness, examine the climate of student mental health and conduct consultations, and provide recommendations for mental health services and wellness programs. As higher education gains greater awareness of the impact of mental health and wellness on student stability and success, institutions recognize they must create an environment that fosters student wellness, mental health and well-being. The MHW Working Group is charged with 1) review and assessment of the student experience at CSUMB in terms of mental health and wellness programs, services and resources; and 2) researching best practices and evidence-based recommendations to adapt and create additional opportunities that effectively meet the needs of CSUMB students . This working group will be co-chaired by Lisa Leininger, Kinesiology, and Jessica Lopez, Personal Growth and Counseling Center.

The MHW Working Group will be expected to review and assess current services, programs and resources available internally that promote mental and physical health and wellness, address accessibility for students and staff, develop student health activities; and implement health and wellness promotions throughout the University. MHW will make recommendations on how students, faculty, and staff may seek a balance of a culture of academic excellence and optimal mental health and wellness, and also encourage recognition that student mental and emotional health and wellbeing is a shared, campus-wide responsibility. It is expected that MHW will engage a cross-campus, multi- disciplinary team to work on campus-wide strategies and communications related to its recommendations. MHW will review where and how students access services in order be able to recommend additional mental health and well services (eg. drop in counseling and animal therapy) during finals. A focus on equity is essential to ensure the task force addresses the unique needs of various student populations, including students of color, LGBTQ+ students, students with psychological disabilities, and those who are the first in their family to go to college By the end of the Spring 2023 semester, MHW will develop a final report for review and consideration by CSUMB stakeholders. In addition, MHW is expected to create a working group website as a strategy to centralize the work conducted by the working group and inform stakeholders about the different mental health resources on campus, as well as to update the community about progress made on recommendations. It is hoped that as a result of the work of this group, CSUMB will Improve communication about mental health; develop new or improve existing policies; enhance, improve, or create mental health services; develop or improve existing protocols or procedures; and Institutionalize structures to support or further work on mental health.

We anticipate that the MHW Working Group will meet twice monthly and a time commitment of 2-3 hours per week on MHW matters. Subcommittee meetings will be determined by the respective group. Jennifer Hinds, Administrative Assistant to the Provost, created this Doodle Poll, please indicate your availability to schedule a first meeting.

    1. Working group member introductions
    2. Explanation of name (MHW)
    3. Review of MHW Mission and Charge
    4. Presentation of statistical data supporting this initiative
      1. “Where we are and where we strive to be?”
    5. Expectations for actual change/success
    6. Review meeting logistics
      1. Once or twice each month
      2. No more than 2 hours
      3. Video-conference
      4. Expected Attendees
      5. Shared folder established to store meeting agendas, minutes, decisions, training
        materials, etc.
      6. Assignment for the next meeting