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Business and Support Services


The Procurement staff is responsible for all procurement of commodities and services on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas: academic and administration and it also includes computers, copiers, faxes, printing needs, office furniture and office supplies.

New Vendors

Procurement is now exclusively using Paymentworks for vendor on-boarding. Any CSUMB employee with an OtterID can automatically login at the link below (*Please note, the VDR STD 204 form is no longer accepted):

PaymentWorks Login

PaymentWorks Help/Support

  • In order to expedite payments to our vendors, please note the following policies regarding vendors updating their PaymentWorks information:

    • All vendors are required to sign up for PaymentWorks
    • It is the initiating department's responsibility to send its respective vendor an invitation via PaymentWorks
    • After establishing a PaymentWorks account, the vendor is to maintain its own updates and changes
    • Procurement cannot update any vendor profile information in CFS until it is approved through PaymentWorks
    • Should any mismatches in address, name, entity, etc. arise, it is the initiating department's or department that submitted a payment in question's responsibility to communicate the need for such updates to the vendor. Departments will be notified the need for an update/change by Accounts Payable or Procurement

    Please be mindful of the "three way match" when submitting invoices for payment and consulting PaymentWorks. Finance requires the payment request, the vendor profile (in CFS), and the submitted invoice all have matching information (name, address, etc.)

    The following document will guide you through sending an invitation to a new vendor, as well as how to check status updates and retrieve CFS numbers:

    PaymentWorks Quick Guide

  • This program helps ensure that faculty, staff and auxiliary organizations consider applicable safety and environmental compliance issues before obtaining hazardous materials.

    I. Purpose/Scope

    o Purpose: The use of hazardous materials at CSU Monterey Bay creates a variety of potential safety and environmental compliance issues. The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure that applicable compliance issues are considered and addressed before a material is procured.

    o Scope: This procedure applies to all faculty, staff and students who purchase hazardous materials that will be stored or used on campus. Also included are purchases by CSUMB auxiliary organizations, purchases for sponsored projects, and hazardous materials that are obtained as free samples or gifts.

    II. Definitions

    o AEH&S: Academic Environmental Health & Safety Department

    o Authorized Individual: Person within a department, college or other administrative unit who has received the necessary training, and is authorized to review and approve hazardous materials procurement requests.

    o Carcinogen: The term carcinogen refers to any substance that is an agent directly involved in the promotion of cancer or in the increase of its propagation.

    o Hazardous Material: For the purposes of this procedure are defined as chemical substances, which if released or misused can pose a threat to the environment or health.

    o H&S: Health and Safety Department

    o SDS (Safety Data Sheet): Product safety and handling information supplied by the product manufacturer. It is a requirement of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard that a copy of a chemical's SDS be made available to any person working with or around a hazardous material.

    o NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health): Federal Agency that conducts scientific research, develops guidance and authoritative recommendations, disseminates information, and responds to requests for workplace health hazard evaluations.

    o OSHA: (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Federal and State agencies responsible for establishing and enforcing occupational safety and health regulations.

    o RQ (Reportable Quantity): The amount of chemical that, if released to the environment, requires notification to emergency response agencies.

    o MBARD: Monterey Bay Air Resources District

    o TAC (Toxic Air Contaminants): Chemicals published in the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Rule 1401, New Source Review for Toxic Air Contaminants, Table 1.

    o TPQ (Threshold Planning Quantity): The amount of chemical that, if possessed by the University, requires the development and implementation of a chemical specific risk analysis and risk management plan.

    III. Exemptions/Exclusions

    Radioactive materials and consumer products (those that do not require a Material Safety Data Sheet) are excluded from this procedure.

    IV. Responsibilities

    o Hazardous Materials Requestor: Responsible for ensuring all provisions of these procedures are followed when requesting and procuring hazardous materials.

    o Authorized Individuals: Responsible for reviewing all hazardous material requisitions to ensure applicable compliance issues have been addressed prior to purchase.

    o AEH&S/H&S: Responsible for maintaining the list of Authorized Individuals and for providing periodic training for these individuals. Will also maintain and monitor the effectiveness of the program.

    o Departments and Colleges: Responsible for ensuring these procedures are followed in their department or college. Also must ensure that there are an adequate number of Authorized Individuals to prevent excessive delays when hazardous materials are requested.

    o Purchasing (including The University Corporation): Monitor all mechanisms for hazardous material procurement (PeopleSoft, Procurement Card, and manual requisitions) to ensure review by an Authorized Individual has occurred.

    V. Training

    Authorized Individuals will be provided training as required. This training will cover the relevant safety and environmental issues that must be considered when reviewing a request for hazardous materials.

    VI. Forms Used


    VII. Procedures

    o These procedures apply to any mechanism that is used to obtain a hazardous material. The most common methods currently used are:

    Online requisition (PeopleSoft)

    Credit Card purchases (Procurement Card)

    Purchase order via the University Corporation


    All hazardous materials requests will be routed to an Authorized Individual within the department or college.

    The Authorized Individual will review the request to ensure all applicable safety and environmental compliance impacts have been considered using the guidelines found in Section VIII.

    If the Authorized Individual has concerns about a request, the concern must be resolved with the requestor as soon as possible.

    Once the request has been reviewed, and any concerns addressed, the Authorized individual will submit the request for purchase. Note: for donations, the Authorized Individual will notify the requestor that the donation request has been approved.

    Purchase orders that are sent to the University Corporation shall be marked in a manner that indicates they have been reviewed and approved by an Authorized Individual.

    The Authorized Individual will indicate (in a text field on the requisition) if an SDS is required from the material supplier.

    On a periodic basis, AEH&S/H&S will audit the records of purchases to ensure all hazardous materials requisitions are being reviewed by Authorized Individuals.

    VIII. Guidelines/Rules

    o Hazardous materials purchase requests (including donations) will be evaluated to ensure applicable safety and environmental compliance issues have been addressed.

    o Three lists of chemicals should be consulted to determine if a chemical purchase or use would involve particularly severe hazards. Substitution or reductions of quantity are desirable:

    The NIOSH “List of Carcinogens” should be consulted to determine if a chemical is carcinogenic and therefore requires special handling.

    The EPA “Extremely Hazardous Substances” list should be consulted both to determine if a chemical is extremely hazardous and to check the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) and the Reportable Quantity (RQ). See Appendices A & B of Title 40, CFR Part 355.

    Monterey Bay Air Resources District, Toxic Air Contaminant Identification List

    An effort should be made to purchase less than the RQ if possible.

    In no case should an amount exceeding the TPQ of a listed chemical be purchased without first contacting AEH&S/H&S.

    o Preventing the generation of hazardous waste:

    Hazardous waste reduction begins at the source of generation. Purchases should be reviewed to determine if it is possible to alter the process or materials used in order to reduce the quantity or hazard of the waste produced. Consider the following options:

    Purchase only the quantity of material necessary for the job at hand. Excess material and materials that age past its shelf life becomes hazardous waste.

    Determine if a less hazardous material can be substituted for the same job. Suppliers often have suggestions for safer or more environmentally friendly products.

    Determine if a reusable or recyclable material can be used for the same job.

    o Resources for more information:

    The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that outlines safety and health information for a particular chemical. SDSs are available in Campus departments and are a resource for familiarization with chemical hazards.

    For questions, please reach out to:

    Arianne Tucker (ext 4096), Health and Safety Specialist, H&S

    Mitchell Reid (ext 4630), Academic Environmental Health and Safety Specialist

    IX. References

    List of Carcinogens:

    o National Toxicology Program

    o Cal/OSHA List of Regulated Carcinogens

    o Extremely Hazardous Substances:

    o Code of Federal Regulations, 40CFR Part 355, Appendices A & B

    o EPA List of Lists Check under EPCRA TPQ Sec. 302 and EPCRA RQ Sec. 304

    Toxic Air Contaminants:

    o California Air Resources Board Toxic Air Contaminant Identification List

  • General Provisions - University

    Procurement Ethics

    Helpful Links


    Purchase orders

    Purchase Orders are required:

    To protect the CSU and ensure risk is mitigated through indemnification and proper insurance endorsements.

    To ensure we receive the best price for products and services.

    To ensure we are utilizing CSU and State Master Contracts.To encumber funds.

    If a PO is required and a Direct Payment Request is submitted a 'PO Exception Notice' must be attached to the Payment Request.

    The ‘PO Exception Notice' should state:

    Why the PO was not procured.

    How the department will prevent this issue in the future.

    The notice must have the same authorized signature as that on the payment request and Procurement's approval.

    What is a Direct Payment Request?

    The Direct Payment Request (DPR) is a vehicle to be used to submit payment directly to a vendor without a purchase order. Payments to vendors may be processed via the Direct Payment process when there is no "added value" to obtaining a purchase order, or if it does not fall under the CSU Policy guidelines for contracting & Procurement as requiring a purchase order.

    The Direct Payment process is for expediting payments. A completed ‘Vendor Data Record' for (Std. Form 204) must be on file in Procurement prior to submitting the Direct Payment Request to Accounts Payable.

    Each DPR must have an authorizing signature on file with Accounts Payable (Signature Authorization form available on the Accounting website). Any DPR without a proper signature will be returned to the department.

    Other Approvals:

    Payments to vendors residing outside of California for services performed within California may require pre-approval by the General Accounting Manager, and may be subject to state or federal withholding.

    Note: All new vendors require a Vendor Data Record (Std. Form 204), which can be found under Forms in the section below

    When dealing with a vendor outside of California (including and especially vendors outside of the USA) all or a portion of the payment may be withheld, as required by law. Secure a 204 form in advance of agreements with non-California residents (including Corporations) and contact Accounting to see if withholding will be required.

    Purchase Order Exception Notice If a Purchase Order (PO) is required and a Direct Payment Request is submitted, this PO Exception Notice may be attached to the Payment Request to document the reason for the exception.

    Direct pay

    Direct Payment Procedures

    Direct Payment is an approved method to obtain payment to a vendor for items purchased directly when a purchase order in advance is not required. Payments and reimbursements may be processed through the Direct Payment process when there is no existing requirement and no "added value" to obtaining a purchase order. Some direct pay criteria include purchases that are not subject to bid requirements, do not require the expertise of the procurement staff and do not require special reviews and special processing. Examples of direct payments may include but are not limited to public utilities, room rentals, rebates and reimbursements, books*, subscriptions*, publications*, registration fees, and membership dues. If you are not sure whether an item requires a purchase order, please contact the Purchasing Department.

    *Preferred paid with ProCard.

    Who is Authorized to Approve Direct Payment Requests?

    Those who are authorized to approve & sign direct payment requests are departmental employees who have been delegated in writing by their department administrator to sign on specific accounts. If you are requesting payment or reimbursement for yourself; you can not approve this request. Someone at a higher level in your departmental reporting line will have to approve your request. This list is updated annually, although it may be updated throughout the year, if needed, by a department administrator submitting the information to the Financial Information Systems Department.

    Any Payment Request Form submitted without the authorized signature will be returned to the Department from which it originated. It is the authorized person's responsibility to review the request to ensure purchases are appropriate, and that the correct account code has been charged within the program guidelines.

    Direct Pay Options:

    The following are guidelines for various options that would be appropriate to process through the Direct Payment process, as well as the documents and explanations that are needed to accompany the Payment Request Form. Any other options, not listed, must be approved, prior to submission, by the General Accounting Manager. Any exceptions to this threshold must be approved by the General Accounting Manager except for the following vendors:

    American Express

    American Council of Education

    APS Energy Services

    Associated Students

    California Community Colleges

    CSU Monterey Bay


    CSUMB Foundation


    RS Tax Payments


    Marina Coast Water District

    Monterey County Tax Collections

    Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control

    Office Depot

    Office Max

    Trustees of the Cal State University

    U.S. Postmaster

    WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)


    *ProCard or Direct Pay may be used to purchase books, magazines, publications, various testing materials, recorded audio and visual tapes, prerecorded CDs and diskettes. The original completed order form and one photo copy must be attached if paying in advance for purchases. Please note that services for photocopying are not allowed on the Payment Request Form.

    Gasoline charges

    Only for payment of University gasoline charge cards such as the Voyager Card.

    NOTE: Most departments pay the Voyager Card on a blanket PO.

    Guest Lecturers/Honorarium

    Invoices must include the date(s) and all details of the lecture or service. If reimbursing for expenses, all receipts must be attached. Invoices require departmental approval signature. Contract and tax forms are required if the individual is out-of-state/foreign.


    ProCard or Direct Pay may be used. Two completed copies of the invoice or order form need to accompany the form. Memberships must be in the name of the University and the title of the individual.

    US Postmaster

    University postage meters and USPS bulk mail accounts only.

    Utility Charges

    Usage charges only, not for the purchase of equipment.

    Water (Arrowhead)

    Game Officials

    To be used by Athletics for payments to game officials only. A request for payment in arrears must include an invoice.

    Student Grants/Stipends

    All student grant requests must include an award letter and be approved by Academic Affairs. All student stipends must have an explanation of the stipend attached to each Payment Request Form. The original Payment Request Form and a copy must be submitted.

    Event Fees

    To be used for paying for awards, banquet tables for political parties, and fees for promotional events that benefit CSUMB.

    Rental Facilities

    Payment request, along with agreement attached to the request.

  • 508 Compliance

    Misc forms