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Office of Graduate Studies and Research

Graduate Programs

Why graduate school?

Any answer that gets you into graduate school is THE right answer for you. 

Graduate school is the next step if you want to continue your education after your bachelor’s degree.   You can dive deeper into areas of interest or expand into new subjects. You can push yourself to a higher professional skill level or help push scientific frontiers by completing a research thesis. Here are a few reasons to get a graduate degree.

  • Graduate students tend to get higher starting salaries and higher top salaries than those with 4-year undergraduate degrees.
  • Graduate students might be coming back to school to change careers. Many of California’s teachers are in their second or third career! CSUMB has highly successful teacher training options.
  • Some jobs require a master’s graduate degree, credential, or skill certification.
  • Some people are naturally curious about the world and see a master’s degree as the obvious choice on their path to earning a PhD and becoming a college professor!

There are so many great reasons to go to graduate school, and the pathway that takes you there is your own.

What is YOUR reason?  What is YOUR pathway?

Talk to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research to get started, or reach out to various degree programs to find the best fit for you.

 Why Cal State Monterey Bay graduate school?

  • CSUMB offers a wide range of degree options that lead to rewarding careers in diverse fields.
  • CSUMB faculty are dedicated to the success of each student.
  • Class sizes are relatively small, so you will find it easy to connect with your professors.
  • Our students have great success at finding jobs with their new degrees!
  • The campus is nestled in one of the most scenic parts of California with expansive beaches a short hike from campus and the wild mountainous beauty of the Big Sur coastline a short drive to the south. While the nearby towns of Marina, Seaside, Monterey and Santa Cruz (Surf City USA) offer a wide range of fun and culture, you can also enjoy a rich metropolitan experience in nearby San Francisco.
  • CSUMB is favorably situated in an area with great internship and career opportunities. We are well-connected with the internet giants of Silicon Valley.  We also border the Salinas Valley—a multi-billion dollar agricultural center that affords a wide range of jobs for science, business, health, and humanities skill sets.  Being a destination for global tourism makes Monterey a major employer in the hospitality industry.

Read about other reasons here!