Otters in Recovery

CSUMB’s Health Promotion & Education Program has been awarded a $5000 grant to assist students in recovery from substance use disorders and other addictive behaviors.
The grant was awarded through Transforming Youth Recovery (TYR), a nonprofit organization founded in 2013. TYR examines the community, educational and peer networks that influence youth development and achievement, and providing novel approaches to expanding family and school-based prevention, intervention and recovery support services.
The grant will provide CSUMB with early-stage seed funding to assist us in better meeting the needs of students in recovery on our campus.
The grant also will support the creation of an online map of community recovery assets intended to facilitate both local and nation-wide networks of collaboration among collegiate recovery practitioners, students, and community members.
Caroline Haskell, Founding Director of Health & Wellness Services, states: “The idea is to connect the university community, particularly our students, to available resources and each other.”
The ultimate goal of this project is to create a sustainable collegiate recovery program on campus that provides a safe, supportive, and fun environment for students in recovery from substance use disorders and other addictive behaviors.
To find out more about the efforts to support students in recovery at CSUMB or to become involved with this project, contact Gary Rodriguez, Health Promotion, and Prevention Specialist, at (831) 582-4437 or