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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

Read CSU Press Release

Student Housing and Residential Life

Family and Supporters

young family hiking on a trail

CSUMB Parent Club

As a member of the Parents, Families & Supporters Club you will:

  • Receive electronic newsletters twice a year to stay informed about the latest university news and events
  • Receive our electronic university magazine
  • Receive invitations to special events just for parents, families, and supporters
  • Experience the satisfaction of knowing that you actively support programs and services which directly benefit CSUMB students



Mail and Packages

Sending letters and care packages can be a great way to help your resident enjoy their home away from home. Our main office is open Monday - Friday 9 a.m to 5:45 p.m. to pick up mail and packages. Package pick up is by appointment only.

For instructions on addressing your mail and packages follow:


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of resident education records. Additional details can be found here. In accordance with FERPA guidelines, University Housing administrators will not share any resident information, other than directory information, with anyone outside of the University system. This includes, but is not limited to, information about a resident’s grades, behavioral history and action, health concerns, current whereabouts, and financial information. Exceptions to this Act, regardless of age, will be made in life-threatening situations.

The university may not disclose information from a student's record without first obtaining the written consent of the student, several exceptions are noted below. Parents of university students do not have the right to have access to these records and are treated as any other member of the public unless the student has given written consent for release of such records to them.

Release without student consent may be done under certain limited circumstances.

For more information on FERPA and obtaining written consent please contact our main office at 831-582-3378.


Visitor Information Directory

Planning to visit your resident in beautiful Monterey Bay? Here are somre resources to help you plan your travels. *subject to change due to COVID-19

Things To Do

Places To Stay

Where To Eat

Live Webcams



As a parent or supporter we know your residence safety is of utmost importance. For this reason, CSUMB had University Police station located on campus and hosts fully accredited law enforcement personnel. Whether you are a visitor, a student, a member of the University staff, or a resident on the CSUMB campus, the officers and staff of the University Police Department are committed to ensuring your stay will be both safe and enjoyable.