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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

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Student Housing and Residential Life

Otters in Science, Math, and Technology

Residence Hall - Cypress Hall

1st floor- Women in Science

2nd floor- Marine Science

3rd floor- Pre-Health

Otters in Science, Math and Technology Living Learning Community is for first year students interested in either marine sciences, pre-health professions, or advancing women in the sciences by creating opportunities to practice, collaborate and contribute in monthly programs. Participants in this community will gain enhanced relationships with dedicated faculty members and build study habits that are essential for these majors. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in exciting and fun out of classroom experiences unique to these communities.

Living in an LLP really makes you feel live you're not alone. You actually know your RA and you have some classes with the residents. SO when you have class and are scared you won't know anyone, odds are someone from your floor will be there. It's super fun!
Student of Otters in Science, Math, and Technology