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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

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Student Housing and Residential Life

Health and Wellness

Residence Hall - Tortuga Hall

The Health and Wellness Living Learning Program, previously Project Deep Roots, community is designed for students that care about living a full and healthy life. Students explore their personal wellness and build a community where they support each other’s goals! Wellness is more than eating healthy and exercising. Come live and learn where all students continue their wellness journey through events, friendship, and tons of fun!

If you wish to live in a Substance Free community we are here for you! Be sure you include your interest in a substance free living option on your housing application by preference Health and Wellness: Substance Free

I love how my RA plans events focused around the Health and Wellness theme! As a student, it's nice to really understand what living a well rounded life means.
Student from Project Deep Roots