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Student Housing and Residential Life

1st Year Success Living Learning Program

Residence Hall - Yarrow Hall

1st Year Success, previously Project Higher Ground, is a Living-Learning Community at CSU Monterey Bay that has been thriving on our campus since 2009. This community consists of all first year students who take their First Year Seminar class with their floor-mates. These classes are based on a variety of academic and personal interests. We have worked with academic advising to make sure these classes work with your major and help get you ahead. This unique community allows you to make friends, enhance your learning, and get a great start on your CSUMB experience.

Early Opportunity Program Summer Bridge: Residential students that are a part of the EOP Summer Bridge Program participants get a jump start to their CSUMB experience. Participants attend Summer Bridge where they start their on campus living experience with each other. Between Summer Bridge, living together, and continued support from the EOP staff, this community helps students to achieve beyond their first year at CSUMB. Learn more about Educational Opportunity Programs and Summer Bridge by visiting their web page.

Future Educators: Students interested in teaching, educational administration, or other education related careers will be excited to participate in the Future Educators community. Students live in the same residence hall as other education pathway students providing them with an immediate support system. All participants will take First Year Seminar 148 course together to develop a future educator identity, build a peer learning community, and form close social and supportive bonds in their first year. Students will interacting with staff and faculty of Liberal Studies, Education and Leadership, and Secondary Education programs outside of the classroom.

FIRST: or first in your family to go to college is a community for students that specifically identify as first generation. This community welcomes TRiOstudents, CAMPstudents, first generation students, and anyone that wants some extra attention in their first year at CSUMB. In this community, students will take a class with your floor mates that relates to their major pathway so they can build a peer learning community and make close friends to support their in your first year and beyond at CSUMB. Additionally, Resident Advisors, or RAs, will help connect students to campus traditions, academic resources, and teach the tricks and tips to having a great experience at CSUMB.