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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

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Student Housing and Residential Life

Damages & Refunds

If we find damages to your room, you are held responsible. We handle damages in two different ways.

  1. If you take responsibility for the charges, we will determine a cost and charge your student account.
  2. If you do not take responsibility and have a roommate, we will ask the roommate about the damage. If neither of you take responsibility for the damage, we will split the charges equally. If you claim a friend is responsible, you will need to have them contact the Resident Life Coordinator of your building and submit a letter claiming responsibility for the damages. However, if they are not a resident whose student account can be charged, you assume responsibility for any damages your guests may cause.

If you choose to appeal damage charges, please make sure you have substantial documentation proving that you are not responsible for the charges.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding damage billing on your invoice, please reach out to your Resident Life Coordinator via email.

Appeals to damages must be made within 15 days of charges being posted to your student account.

If you have any questions about the charges, please contact your Resident Life Coordinator. They have a complete list of damage and replacement charges that you can view. All work is based on an approved hourly rate set by our university Facilities Services department.