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Student Housing and Residential Life

Laundry Alert

For a visual tutorial on using the WEB Laundry Alert Service, please download the following documents:

Text from these documents have also been included below:

  1. Type in the internet address: and hit enter from your internet browser connection.
  2. You will be directed to the Laundry Alert Home
  3. Enter the password: csumb721 in the box, and click the “Sign In” tab. This will take you to the Laundry Alert web page for California State University, Monterey Bay.
  4. This is the home page for CSUMB. It displays the location of the laundry rooms, how many washers and dryers are in each room and how many are in use at the time the page is accessed.
  5. For our purposes of this tutorial we will now click on Pinnacles Suites.The page that loads will show you all of the machines in the Pinnacles Suites laundry room, the types of machines in the laundry room, the status of each machine, and the estimated time remaining if a machine is currently in use.
  6. In the upper left hand corner of the page, there are 5 blue bars: Laundry Room, Let Me Know, All Laundry Rooms, Room Usage, and Request Service.