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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

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Bike Rental

CSUMB Recreation & COVID 19

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Rental Info

The Otter Cycle Center offers CSUMB Students bike rentals at student rates. You can rent for a full academic year (Fall & Spring semester), or just a single day, and anything in between.

Rentals will include the following:

  • Bike
  • Helmet
  • U-lock

Otter Cycle Center Rental Icon

SPECIAL: Same Day Rental $5

Our $5.00 same day bike rental special allows you to enjoy your day on a bike at a low cost. Pick from ANY one of our rental bikes, standard or performance. Included with your rental is a helmet and a U-lock.

Standard Bike Rental Prices

Standard Bike* Tax not includedStudentFaculty or Staff
Same Day Rental (standard or performance bike) $5 $5
2 Day, 1 night $10 $23
4 Days, 3 nights $15 $28
8 Days, 7 nights (Week) $27 $40
116 Days (Semester) $100 $146
Academic Year $200 $292
Custom Rental period $ Call / Visit $ Call / Visit

Performance Bike Rental Prices

Performance Bike Rental* Tax not includedStudentFaculty or Staff
Same Day Rental (standard or performance bike) $5 $5
2 Day, 1 night $15 $33
4 Days, 3 nights $20 $38
8 Days, 7 nights (Week) $32 $50

*Late fees and damage fees apply.

*Renters are required to agree to the terms and conditions on the rental contract.

*Prices subject to change without notice.