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Strike Ended: Regular class schedule resumes.

Read CSU Press Release


Sports Descriptions

The purpose of the Captains Meeting is to explain the intramural sports policies and procedures. IM staff will cover basic rules and equipment/uniform requirements. each team must send a representative to the Captains meeting in order for that team to participate in the league. Every team that registers on IMLeagues must have the Captain OR a representative of their team be present at the meeting. Failure to have a representative will result in your team not being approved and remaining on the waitlist.

Sport Date of Captains Meeting Time Location
Rocket League September 9th 6:00pm Via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration)
Madden 20 September 9th 6:00pm Via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration)
FIFA 20 October 14th 6:00pm Via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration)
MLB: The Show October 14th 6:00pm Via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration)
NBA 2K20 October 14th 6:00pm Via Zoom (Link will be provided after registration)