The Residential Housing Association (RHA) is an active organization at Cal State Monterey Bay connected with universities across the nation. RHA is affiliated regionally with the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (PACURH). Nationally RHA is affiliated with the National Association of College and Residence Halls (NACURH). The CSUMB Residential Housing Association is dedicated to serving as a voice for the residents of on-campus housing and guiding them in a positive living experience. RHA addresses issues relevant to community life, offers a safe environment through on-campus activities, and provides leadership opportunities to all residents.
Upcoming Events
![California State University, Monterey Bay Residential Housing Association.](
Interested in seeing how RHA and Area Council work together to put on such great events for you? Want to be in on the loop for upcoming events? Want to see the process of changing a governing document or be part of the process? Come to General Assembly and share your voice! Takes place every Monday (excluding breaks) from 7 - 8 PM in room 120 of the Student Center.
Residence Hall & College Apartment Linens and Essentials
Did you know that the beds at CSU Monterey Bay are extra-long and not standard twin size? RHA has partnered with Residence Hall Linens to provide CSUMB students with a convenient, affordable way to ensure you have sheets, among other things, that will fit the extra-long mattresses in our residence halls.
MicroFridge Rentals
Looking for a microwave, freezer, and a fridge? Look no further as you can rent a MicroFridge for $219 (+tax) and you do not even need to haul the appliance to the school. Click the button below and order yours today (one per room)! Applications due August 5th.